Show 17 Conversators:
- Common Dialog (Chris Perrin)
- Orklord (Rich Rogers)
- Jo Unger
- Jeff Combos
Subjects of Discussion:
- Pinnacle Entertainment Group
- Exile Game Studio
Show Notes:
- GenCon 2007 (
- Pinnacle Entertainment Group (
- Solomon Kane
- Robert E. Howard Days (at GenCon)
- Matt Wilson (
- SWEX: Savage Worlds, Explorer's Edition
- Fantasy Grounds Savage Worlds - Savage Tales
- World of Warcraft
- Pirates of the Spanish Main: British and Barbary Coast
- Sundered Skies (GAMA release likely)
- Slipstream (to be released after Sundered Skies)
- Exile Game Studio (
- ENnie Awards (Exile won Silver for Best Cover Art for Hollow Earth Expedition)
- Hollow Earth Expedition
- Spirit of the Century
- Pulp genre
- Indiana Jones, Doc Savage and the Shadow
- Indie Passport
- Ubiquity dice
- Hollow Earth Gamemaster's Screen
- Secrets of the Surface World
- Mysteries of the Hollow Earth
- Graymalkin Designs
Visit our blog at for links to these subjects. Visit our forum at