Monday, April 30, 2007

Canon Puncture 7th Episode

Show 07

  • Common Dialog (the man who hates superheroes)
  • Norwood (big fan of Star Wars, not so much with the Dragonlance modules)
  • Orklord (he groks d6)
Subjects of Discussion:
1. d20 vs. d6 in a duel to THE PAIN
2. Common Dialog interviews Paul Czege

Show Notes:
visit our blog at for links to these subjects. Visit our NEW FORUM at Leave us comments! Please! We're lonely! So lonely we use lots of exclamation points.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Canon Puncture 6th Episode

Show 06

  • Troy Costisick (Master of the Power 19)
  • Common Dialog (he thinks viral is the perfect word)
  • Norwood (the greatest Clutch fan in the podcasting world)
  • Orklord (guilt-ridden used book purchaser)
Subjects of Discussion:
1. The second part of the interview with Troy Costisick
2. Common Dialog, Orklord and Norwood discuss buying used books

Show Notes:
visit our blog at for links to these subjects. Leave us comments!

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Canon Puncture 5th Episode

Show 05


  • Norwood (new to Battlestar, but is he a fan?)
  • Fred Hicks (he who wears an Evil Hat)
  • Orklord (the guy who can't start an interview)

Subjects of discussion:

  1. Norwood enters the world of the new Battlestar Galactica
  2. Interview with Fred Hicks about Evil Hat, the business of indie games and Don't Rest Your Head
Show Notes:

visit our blog at for links to these subjects. Leave us comments!

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Canon Puncture Extra 02 - Game Chef 2007 pt. 2

Game Chef pt. 2


  • Troy Costisick (Mr. Power 19)
  • Fred Hicks (he who wears an Evil Hat)
  • Andy Kitkowski (the freakin' Master Chef!)
  • Orklord (the Master Procrastinator)
  • Common Dialog (the one who actually finished his game)

Subjects of discussion:

  1. Interview with Troy Costisick about game design contests and his published works
  2. Interview with Fred Hicks about his Game Chef entry
  3. Interview with Andy Kitkowski about the history of Game Chef and how it works

Show Notes:

visit our blog at for links to these subjects. Leave us comments!